
Since October 2022, I am a postdoc at University of Regensburg in the group of Denis-Charles Cisinski, as part of the Collaborative Research Centre Higher Invariants funded by the DFG. Before, I was a postoc at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in Bonn.

I did my PhD at EPFL, under the supervision of Jérôme Scherer and Kathryn Hess, and graduated in February 2021.

During the Spring semester 2020, I received a Doc.Mobility grant from the Swiss National Foundation and participated in the MSRI program Higher categories and categorification in Berkeley.

Before, I did my BSc and MSc in mathematics at EPFL and completed my master thesis at Johns Hopkins University, under the supervision of Emily Riehl.

Research Interest

My research lies in the field of algebraic topology, and focuses on different aspects of higher category theory and homotopy theory.

I am in particular interested in the development of the theory of (∞,n)-categories and my current work focuses on defining and studying universal properties in this framework, such as (∞,n)-straightening-unstraightening, (∞,n)-limits, (∞,n)-adjunctions, and (∞,n)-Kan extensions. My approach leverages the strong relation between enriched categories and internal categories, demonstrating that enriched universal properties can be better formulated in an internal setting. More recently, I have also become interested in higher algebraic structures, their categorification, and their link with topological quantum field theory. A list of my papers can be found here.