
Dec. 2024Double categorical model of (∞,1)-categories
Joint with Léonard Guetta, arXiv:2412.15715
Dec. 2024Modeling (∞,1)-categories with Segal spaces
Joint with Joost Nuiten, arXiv:2412.10359
Aug. 2024(∞,n)-Limits II: Comparison across models
Joint with Nima Rasekh, and Martina Rovelli, arXiv:2408.04742
Dec. 2023(∞,n)-Limits I: Definition and first consistency results
Joint with Nima Rasekh, and Martina Rovelli, arXiv:2312.11101
Aug. 2023Internal Grothendieck construction for enriched categories
Joint with Maru Sarazola, and Paula Verdugo, arXiv:2308.14455
July 2023An (∞,n)-categorical straightening-unstraightening construction
Joint with Nima Rasekh, and Martina Rovelli, arXiv:2307.07259
Jan. 2023Fibrantly-induced model structures
Joint with Léonard Guetta, Maru Sarazola, and Paula Verdugo, arXiv:2301.07801
Jun. 2022Model independence of (∞,2)-categorical nerves
Joint with Viktoriya Ozornova, and Martina Rovelli, arXiv:2206.00660


Nov. 2024Yoneda lemma and representation theorem for double categories
Joint with Benedikt Fröhlich
In: Theory and Applications of Categories. 41.49 (2024), pp. 1698-1782.
Oct. 2024A model structure for Grothendieck fibrations
Joint with Maru Sarazola
In: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 228.10 (2024), paper no. 107692, 29 pp.
Jul. 2024A homotopy coherent nerve for (∞,n)-categories
Joint with Nima Rasekh, and Martina Rovelli
In: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 228.7 (2024), paper no. 107620, 64 pp.
Apr. 2024A double (∞,1)-categorical nerve for double categories
To appear in: Annales de l’institut Fourier.
Jun. 2023A model structure for weakly horizontally invariant double categories
Joint with Maru Sarazola, and Paula Verdugo
In: Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 23.4 (2023), pp. 1725-1786.
Sep. 20222-limits and 2-terminal objects are too different
Joint with tslil clingman
In: Applied Categorical Structures. 30 (2022), pp. 1283–1304.
July 2022Bi-initial objects and bi-representations are not so different
Joint with tslil clingman
In: Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques. Volume LXIII-3 (2022), pp. 259-330.
Jun. 2022Stable homotopy hypothesis in the Tamsamani model
Joint with Viktoriya Ozornova, Simona Paoli, Maru Sarazola, and Paula Verdugo
In: Topology and Its Applications. 2022.
Apr. 2022A 2Cat-inspired model structure for double categories
Joint with Maru Sarazola, and Paula Verdugo
In: Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques. Volume LXIII-2 (2022), pp. 184-236.
cahierstgdc:volume-lxiii-2022, extended version on arXiv:2004.14233
Mar. 2019Injective and projective model structures on enriched diagram categories
In: Homology, Homotopy, and Applications. 21.2 (2019), pp. 279-300.

PhD and Master Thesis

PhD Thesis: Homotopical relations between 2-dimensional categories and their infinity-analogues

In my PhD thesis, I studied the homotopical relations between 2-dimensional categories and their ∞-analogues. It is a compilation of the papers A 2Cat-inspired model structure for double categories and A model structure for weakly horizontally invariant double categories, joint with Maru Sarazola and Paula Verdugo, and my paper A double (∞,1)-categorical nerve for double categories. In the first two papers, we construct two different model structures on the category of double categories which are compatible with Lack’s model structure on the category of 2-categories through the horizontal embedding. In the last paper, I construct a nerve functor from double categories to double (∞,1)-categories, which has the correct homotopical properties, and I show that it restricts along the horizontal embedding to a nerve functor from 2-categories to (∞,2)-categories in the form of 2-fold complete Segal spaces.

Master Thesis: Basic Localizers and Derivators