Conference Talks

Dec. 2024Categorical Logic and Higher Categories, University of Manchester, UK
Weights for lax 2- and (∞,2)-limits
Aug. 2024Homotopical Algebra and Higher Structures, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
Fibrantly-induced model structures
Jun. 2024Topology, representation theory and higher structures, Sabhal Mor Ostain, Isle of Skye, Scotland
Defining limits in (∞,n)-categories
Apr. 2024(∞,n)-Categories and their applications, Utrecht University, Netherlands
(∞,n)-Limits III: Comparison across models
Dec. 2023Subfactors and Fusion (2-)Categories, Banff International Research Station, Canada
2-Limits and 2-terminal objects are too different
Oct. 2023Homotopy Theory day, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
Model structures for double categories
July 2023International Category Theory Conference (CT2023), Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
New methods for contructing model categories
Jun. 2023Homotopy Theory in Trondheim, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Straightening-unstraightening for (∞,n)-categories
Dec. 2022YaMCATS, University of Manchester, UK
Representation theorem for enriched categories
Nov. 2022Virtual double categories workshop, online
Representation theorem for enriched categories
Oct. 2022GDR de topologie algébrique, Nantes Université, France
Defining limits in (∞,n)-categories
Sep. 2022Follow-up Workshop to JTP “Topology”, HIM, Bonn, Germany
Defining limits in (∞,n)-categories
Feb. 2022Logic and higher structures, CIRM, Marseille, France
Defining limits in (∞,2)-categories
Jun. 2021Viva Talbot! A virtual Talbot Workshop retrospective, MIT
Defining limits in the ∞-world
Feb. 2020Higher categories and categorification, MSRI, Berkeley, US
2-fold complete Segal spaces and $\Theta_2$-spaces
Nov. 2019Postgraduate Conference in Category Theory and its Applications, Leicester, UK
2-limits are double terminal
July 2018Young Topologists Meeting 2018, Copenhagen, Danemark
Injective and projective model structures on enriched diagram categories
Jun. 2018Métodos categóricos y homotópicos en álgebra, geometría y topología, Almeria, Spain
Injective and projective model structures on enriched diagram categories
May 2018MIT Talbot Workshop, Portland, US
The universal properties of adjunctions, limits and colimits in an ∞-cosmos

Seminar Talks

Oct. 2024Purdue Topology Seminar, Purdue University, US
New methods to construct model categories
Oct. 2024Topology seminar, EPFL, Switzerland
New methods to construct model categories
May 2024Higher Categories, Polygraphs and Homotopy Seminar, IRIF, Université Paris Cité, France
New methods to construct model categories
Apr. 2024Séminaire AGATA, IMAG, Université de Montpellier, France
Representation theorem for enriched categories
Nov. 2023Atlantic Category Theory Seminar, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Representation theorem for enriched categories
Nov. 2023Séminaire d’Homotopie et Géométrie Algébrique, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Defining limits in (∞,n)-categories
Oct. 2023Séminaire de Théorie des Catégories, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Model structures for double categories
Jun. 2023Seminar: Topics in (∞,2)-categories, Universität Regensburg, Germany
Limits in a 2-category
Feb. 2023Geometry and Topology Seminar, UMass Amherst, US
Nerve for 2-dimensional categories
Apr. 2022TopICS: Topology Intercity Seminar, Utrecht-Nijmegen, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Homotopy coherent nerve for (∞,n)-categories
Apr. 2022Homotopy Theory Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, US
Defining limits in (∞,2)-categories
Jun. 2021Topology Seminar, MPIM, Bonn, Germany
Higher categories and the (∞,n)-category of bordisms
Jun. 2021Topology Seminar, MPIM, Bonn, Germany
Towards a construction of limits in (∞,2)-categories
Feb. 2021Algebra/Topology Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
A double (∞,1)-categorical nerve for double categories
Sep. 2020AG Seminar, Universität Regensburg, Germany
A double (∞,1)-categorical nerve for double categories
July 2020Topology seminar, EPFL, Switzerland
A double (∞,1)-categorical nerve for double categories
Jun. 2019Topology seminar, EPFL, Switzerland
An adventure toward (∞,2)-limits
Apr. 2018Oberseminar Topologie, Universität Osnabrück, Germany
Injective and projective model structures on enriched diagram categories
Dec. 2017Category theory seminar, Johns Hopkins University, US
Introduction to model categories
Nov. 2017Topology seminar, EPFL, Switzerland
Injective and projective model structures on enriched diagram categories